Thursday, January 7, 2010


There was a tree growing inside the avocado I ate for breakfast this morning. That pit was way ahead of itself. Way to defy nature and be the most ambitious!

Up until, well, a few minutes ago, every time I referred to a situation or period of time as "the pits" (see: now) I always thought of the seeds and pits of fruits, which was always disconcerting to me since they are the center; a source of change and growth. As it turns out, I was wrong all along. Thank goodness.

Pit is derived from the Old English word "pytt" which means "water hole" and is rooted in the Latin “puteus,” meaning “well or pit.” I've read that "the pits" maybe refers to the practice of putting animals in deep pits to fight, or maybe it refers to the pits dug to confined prisoners. Or maybe it's about armpits and body odor, although I really don't think so. It could also be referring to "the pit of hell"; the abode of evil spirits and lost souls.

Stuck in the bottom of a well, fighting your way out of the worst, living a living hell, whatever. Things could actually really be the pits, but things are always going to change. You'll grow. You'll figure it out.

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